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I've been loving the game! Just wanted to know, what are all of the relationships? I know of sister, mother, and grandmother, but are there any others?

can you mix and match?

(1 edit)

I know this may sound confrontational but it is just a straight answer, no heat or offence meant. I appreciate the curiosity and the fact that you enjoy the game.

Mix and match is impossible even on a conceptual level. Who is your grandmother going to be married to? Your brother?

Since, when your mother marries someone (M) other than your father, this person becomes your stepfather, who else could she be married to?

So no, no mix and match is possible.

(1 edit) (+1)

fair enough. din't know if there were maybe alternate scenarios you put together for different combos.  an to be fair sister and aunt are both an option.

p.s. don't mind blunt, means you aint afraid to talk to me like an adult. most dont extend that curtesy.


Ever plan to add more scenes from the CYOA?
The Bus Scenes are in my personal spankbank


Yes, although the bus scenes will only be added after I add a solid Sunday routine that is outside of the house. I am still adding events to fill up the Saturday now, so I guess it will take another year (but I am not making calculations, just eyeballing it) before Sunday is full enough.

How do you rip the jeans

In one of two ways:

1. At Pre Lunch you Lay on bed > Jerk off > She notices > Wait it out > She asks for your help > Clean the top of the desk

2. At Pre Lunch you Lay on bed > Jerk off > She notices > Wait it out > She asks for your help > Grab the box from the top of the wardrobe > Lift her up on your shoulders > The wardrobe falls on you

She will wear new pants after taking a shower/bath but, if she is Clumsy enough and her pants are ripped, she will mistakenly wear them until bed time.


gotta say this is one of my favourite games on here. Definitely the best quality one of it kind, wish more developers would get inspired by your work 

hey do you think it would be possible to change the landlords pronouns after the estrogen pills. For those who aren’t into the sissy thing. Then we can have two women

Those who aren't into the sissy thing could abstain from sissifying the landlord.


That’s very true lol. Just wonder if it was a possibility. But I guess with all the he/him in the script it would be quite a bit of work


The text r sissfying him automatically

I'm just the reader/player

Deleted 2 years ago

'Automatically' is a weird way of saying 'When specifically asked by the player to do so'.


And am I wrong on the point of matter?


Short answer: yes.

Long answer: you are not even addressing the point.

Deleted 1 year ago
Deleted 1 year ago

when I download the latest version to my computer I can only run the index and theres no images or anything, what do i do


You must first unzip the zip file.

I did that, then what?

Then double click the html. If that does not work, the issue is that your machine is not allowing your browser to access local files, I guess.

did u learn html for this game or did you learn it beforehand?

I started the game and a second project at the same time. I learnt HTML as part of the other project and implemented it into the game.

(2 edits) (+1)

0.77 chitchat morning breakfast

Error: <<GetGBP>>: error within widget code (Error: <<set>>: bad evaluation: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading '0'))

<<GetGBP 0>>

thank you for ur hard work and making a public version, love 
ur game, wish i could support with more than just well wishes. <3

Well wishes are very supportive, thank you very much :D

For the error, you must start a new save, because GBP system has been completely restructured and works with variables that an old save wouldn't have.


thank you for replying :)
it worked, not sure y it didnt b4 since i started the game brand new no saves or anything. Mayb it was cuz b4 i had chosen the gbp boost and this time i didnt it worked and then reset to choose the boost this time. Or i just didnt restart for it to work. Seems it was a random glitch either way. Aw well, keep up the great work. 👍

How can I cum inside the "Landlady" at night? Have max stats

Hi, sorry for the late reply. There is, I believe, only one scene with creampies at night for the $landlady. If she is sleeping prone, and you have maxed Sleepyhead, you can use her pussy and always pick the Escalate option.


I hope we get more kissing stuff. That scene where you're trapped in the closet with her was super hot. Was it perhaps inspired by a doujin by Junk Kameyoko?


I will look it up, but no, I just like kissing a lot, so I got really into writing that scene. I suggest you also read the scene where the MC asks for help with women, and has a kissing session. I am told that one is a very good scene, too.


It's one of those overly long titles. 330044 is the nhen number

330044 gives me 404 for some reason


just tried myself. you gotta put /g/330044

Hi, I just read the chapter, and it reminds me of a story I read once on literotica (I think). In the story, there was an earthquake, and mom and son ended up in a very similar situation, but the son was not perving on his mother to begin with, I believe.


Sorry if this has been asked a ton or if it was answered above and I just overlooked it but is there a specific time frame after which the exclusive versions are released on here?

Until v 0.66.0, public releases occurred every month, catching up with the exclusive releases up to that moment. Since I started getting too many hateful comments at every public release, I have suspended them, and they will resume with a different pattern.


What sort of hate comments? From your patreon supporters and those who donate? I understand why you dont  just post public updates every 2weeks or so, you need to make money too, but consider posting them every month or month and a half so that you keep the interest in this game to continue growing!

Best wishes.

~ John

They were already every month, and the comments were solely from non-supporters, so I just stopped doing that.


thats a shame! Sucks that the majority is being punished for the actions of some aholes!

I'm sorry that happened to you!  I hope that you can find a  schedule that works for you and that people aren't jerks about.

(1 edit)

First of all let'me thanks you, i think this Is the best game i played till now, and the First Time i support Someone, but i have some question.

1) I play with a old PC, Is normale that not all of the scene have IMG, video or gif or maybe in doing something wrong with the download 

2) if i want to download Aldo the 6usd pack should i pay the difference or for intire? Is not a problem but Just to know

3) Will u translate also in another la guage un the foture

4) Will you do more game like this?

Keep going because your job is amazing

Thank you very much for the kind words and the support. As for your questions:

  1. Yes, it is normal. Not all scenes have images in them, as they are added more slowly and intermittently when compared to the writing.
  2. I am not sure how itch works, I believe it would require you to pay the full 6USD. I know for sure that Patreon only asks for the difference when you upgrade to a higher tier, though, if it is something that may interest you.
  3. No, I will not, for many reasons.
  4. I prefer to focus on this one, since it is still in its early stages.

I do kind of wish that some of the things you do have some sort of impact. An actual story probably isn't in the cards here at the moment, but it would be cool to see the things you do change your relationship. Like the attic impregnation thing.

Otherwise, it's pretty fucking good. The writing is phenomenal and there's always something to do. Best of luck.


I am waiting for a full week of routine to be completed before starting "new loops", which are affected by previous actions, or "linear stories" that have a start and an end. It is in the plan, but I am now trying to fill in the Saturday routine (in-house but different from the other weekdays), and then I will try the Sunday routine (outside, so lots of new places to be written from scratch, meeting new characters, and such).

Thank you, I try to take my time looking for the right English expression for something, figures of speech, or just simple words I never heard of.

How to I check my Spankbank $ ? It says not implemented yet? 

I think you mean the SpankBank requests? If so, they are not implemented yet. 


How do they become implemented?

Every month, I hold a poll for supporters, to decide the topic I will write about during the next month. During the month, I hold other polls for each specific scene/release. As the poll stands now, next month will be about the Pool area.

How to you Get Eve Pregnant?

You don't, yet.

When Can I? I click on “Impregnated Sex” every Saturday and nothing happened So far, I maxed out everything. 

When I write it, which will be in a long time. Join the Discord for reading more about this conversation we recently had.

v.72 better be public/free

or what?

Or I will speak to the manager...

Seriously doe the game is great but post public updates more often! That way porn game sites will update this game on their sites and have it show up on the front page more often which will get you more fans/supporters!

1. This month's donations beg to differ ;)

2. Even if they didn't, it is about the amount of extra hatred I get over public releases, which also take longer to release. 

Do you plan on doing more public releases in the future or will it become paid game from now on?

PS: I am glad that you are getting more support and donations lately keep up the good work!


Do you have to be a backer on patreon for all the content or can you just purchase the game on for full accessibility.

If you purchase the game on itch, you have all the content that a backer would have up to the moment of purchase.

If a new version is released in the same month, a backer on patreon would also have access to that one.


Where do we use the old key?


Nowhere yet.


Great game so far, Could you open up the dreamworld, and imagination to user submitted stories? I think that would be a good idea to keep people playing the game, maybe add some rules regarding the creation but keep them lax, If you implement this it, surely would keep community engagement up.

Thanks for making the game, and thanks for reading my comment!

(1 edit)


Any deviation from the Oblivious trope is reserved for commissions for backers up from a certain tier. Even if that was not the case, regular scenes have been open to paid additions for two months now (I think), and only one attempt has been made.

I don't see anyone dying to write quality content for this game.

Hey, tried your discord username but it didn't work. Wanted to see where I would send something I write up? Don't need to be paid, I write a little anyway. Just looking for fresh inspiration. 

My Oblivious Developer#2980

Or you can join the server and find me from there.



Great concept and writing but I don't like text adventures. If you do then this is for you. If you're looking for something more visual this isn't it.


The APK has been updated but not the ZI


Thank you! I updated it now.

Deleted 132 days ago

Thank you for your support and suggestion. The Skinship skill is as close as we will get, for the foreseeable future, to a willing Landlady. Corruption is only planned as transient, as it is now, every time she enjoys herself while the protagonist has his way with her. There are ideas being discussed on the Discord server, which I suggest you join for live updates and discussions, that are similar to yours and I am not against going that way. There is just still a lot of Obliviousness to write about before I do.


I have a question on how to spank the landlady without and excuse in the kitchen

What's the question?

just how do you do it

You don't. The option is not there because there is no written scene for it.

Been noticing Im having trouble on the starting screen where you fill in the characters names and stuff. Click on a section but it doesn't let you type. Sometimes it starts working, other times I need to close and reopen. Its only the parts where you can type, everything else can be clicked on just fine.

Not sure if that's something on the websites end or mine.

(1 edit)

I think this can be solved by deleting your cookies, but I am sure it is on your end because the fields use the same code as always, no changes apart from styling. Let me know if this solve your issue.

Can't open the APK on my phone, what do I do?

(1 edit)

I don't even know your phone model nor in what way you cannot open the APK. Please elaborate.

my phone is a lg g7 one, and when i try and click the file i download from chrome via the phone, it says "file can't be opened"

anyone else having problems with the new areas?

Stop using old saves

i nvr use old saves, so y hasnt it worked for the past 3 in game weeks? :/

Contact me on Discord and we can figure this out. It is difficult without knowing what version you are running and what the issue is.


How i can fuck eve wen she's sleep


lvl up sleepyhead, easy, bathroom while shes snoring and pick the lock of the bedroom door and continue to visit her when its above lvl 7 u should b able to.


how can i rip the panties?

Deleted 2 years ago

The game has been great, playing online for months now.

I've finally downloaded the APK and I don't necessarily think your app needs all the permissions it requests. Why would it need access to my photos, camera, and location? General storage for save files, I can understand. But that is just about all.


I use an automatic service to do that, using the default settings. I don't really know how to produce an apk otherwise.


Hello there. Hope no one has this problem, but my bank app delete the game (android ver) because it categorizes it as spyware/trojan

(2 edits) (+2)

Have you tried in Settings > External Apps > Authorise?

Unfortunately, this is also what the owner of a spyware/trojan would say, but you can play online for free and with no risks if you decide not to trust the apk :)

If you want to play games from outside of official app stores, it *is* a risk that you may download malware. However, if you're sure of the source, such as games on Itch, be sure to "allow installation from unknown sources" and disable Play Protect on Android devices.

Wait, Im confused I filled in info for Landlord but still get land lady?


You must use the correct title (I am assuming you typed in "Dad" or something that is not in the list below)

  • Typing Mother for her and Father for him, the couple is composed by your Mother and Father.
  • Typing only Mother, the couple is composed by your Mother and Step-Father.
  • Typing only Father, the couple is composed by your Step-Mother and Father.
  • Typing Aunt for her or Uncle for him or both, the couple is composed by your Aunt and Uncle.
  • Typing Sister for her, the couple is composed by your Sister and Brother-in-law.
  • Typing Step-sister for her, the couple is composed by your Step-sister and Brother-in-law.
  • Typing Sister-in-law for her, the couple is composed by your Sister-in-law and your Brother.
  • Typing Grandmother for her, the couple is composed by your Grandmother and Grandfather.
  • Typing none of the above, the couple is composed by your Landlady and Landlord .

Why can't I play the game? I downloaded the v.051.1 file and the downloaded file doesn't have an Icon picture (Like a paper) and the I clicked on it (because I don't think you can even extract this kind of file) but I can't play it. Any help please? I wanna play this game!

(1 edit)

Hi, if you hop on the Discord Server, I can help you faster than via itch comments :)

If that is not an option, then hear me out. If you have downloaded the zip file and are on a computer, you must unzip it (yes, you can), and double click on the html file.
If you are on a smartphone, maybe your best bet is to download the apk file and install it.


Been loving everything till now, could you add more landlord content next update? Or whenever you want, don't wanna rush you either. 

Hi and thank you! The content is decided via backers-only polls on Discord, and I usually give a Landlady option and a Landlord option. Next exclusive release will have a Landlord chapter, branching from Comment on his ass and based on Clumsy.


Ohh okay. Looking forward to it!


An outstanding game with a neat story

Thank you, it's always nice to know that someone enjoys the game :)


i don't know if anyone has suggested this but for the chair solution event maybe her jeans or something... you see where i'm going?

Someone has, yes.

how do you get the spank bank help

She only agrees to help, for now.


ok thanks because I played it a couple months ago and that wasn’t available at all can’t wait for it to be finished

"Finished" is a big word. It can have infinite numbers of paths, depending on the situations I can imagine, but it will have some finished scenes in it.


Well you know what I mean more finished and where it is mostly done


That's why I gave a longer reply :D

how do you increase her gullibility and sleepyhead? I find the others much easier to raise than these 2

(1 edit)

Sleephyhead has very few events: it only has one event in the Living Room, during Late Afternoon, plus the ones at night once you buy the lockpicks.

Gullible has a decent amount of scenes, actually:

  • in the Player Room, at Pre Lunch,
  • the Daily Checks for Vaginal stuff,
  • limited use in the bathroom when she is in the bathtub and notices you,
  • almost all mystery taste events + hump&pop (Evening, Living Room)
  • saturday Amnesia scenes

Do you plan on adding more characters in the future?

Yes, outside of the household.

Is discord only available to Patrons?

Of course not! Everyone is welcome on the Discord Server :D

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